我国的“三农”问题 ,是与我国的工业化与城镇化道路 ,以及决定着只能选择这种道路的城乡二元结构交织在一起的。城乡二元结构是我国的“三农”问题的症结之所在。我国农村的基本特点决定了一元化幅射作用 ,转化为既能发挥城乡之间工业与农业相互幅射作用 ,又能发挥农村内部工业与农业的相互幅射作用。要从根本上解决我国的“三农”问题 ,就必须使农民从城乡分割的制度中解放出来 ,与城市居民一样享有公民的真正平等权利 。
s: China's urban-rural binary structure, which inevitably led to the process of China's industrialization and urbanization, is at the crux of our nation's three-faceted agriculture-related policy problem. Thus the policy problem, the above-mentioned process and the binary structure are interwoven with each other. The domestic rural situations make it possible for China to achieve under a unitary economic structure coordination between its industrial and agricultural sectors not only in between urban and rural areas but also within the rural area itself. The fundamental solution to the agricultural policy issues lies in the expected change that the Chinese farmers should be relieved from the urban-rural segregation and be guaranteed of their share of national welfare to achieve equal solid human rights to those of the urban citizens.
Journal of Nantong Teachers College(Social Science Edition)
the three-faceted agriculture-relate policy problem
national welfare