研究了以C5馏分为原料,用硫酸加成水解法制备戊醇的工艺条件。当C5馏分中异戊烯、1-戊烯、2-戊烯和硫酸的质量分数分别为5%以下、5%左右、28%左右和80%,硫酸与总烯烃的物质的量比为1.2~1.5,反应温度为15-30℃,反应时间1.5~2.0 h.水蒸气蒸馏中硫酸的质量分数不大于40%时,戊烯总的转化率大于82%,戊醇选择性大于67%,收率大于55%
The process condition of preparing amyl alcohol with C5 fraction as material, through sulphuric acid addition hydrolyzation was studied. When the mass fraction of isoamylene,1-amylene,2-amylene and sulphuric acid was respectively below 5% , about 5% ,about 28% and 80% ,and the molar ratio of sulphuric acid and the total olefin was between 1.2 to 1.5 , the reaction temperature was between 15 to 30℃ , the reaction time was between 1. 5 to 2. 0 h, and the mass fraction of sulphuric acid in the process of vapour distillation was below 40% ,the general converting rate of amylene could be over 82% ,the selectivity of amyl alcohol could be over 67% ,and the yield could be over 55%.
Petrochemical Technology in Jinshan