目前 ,径向井是一种新型的钻井技术 ,其造斜器滑道设计还没有形成模式 ,滑道轨迹设计采用分段圆弧拼接 ,滚轮载荷按梁弹塑性弯曲估算 ,实验中的造斜器表现出阻力大、阻力波动大、滚轮轴承易失效等诸多问题。由于滑道中钻杆所受载荷随钻井进尺变化 ,钻杆在滑道中的位形也在不断改变 ,因此采用分析法设计最小阻力滑道十分困难。鉴于钻杆在运动中主要是弯曲变形 ,文章将钻杆简化为平板 ,采用有限元法对板通过弯道进行了仿真 ,根据仿真结果对摩擦因数、板端反力、滑道轨迹与滑道临界阻力的关系进行了分析 ,得出了它们的阻力特性及对阻力的影响程度 ,建立了滑道阻力模型 ,对造斜器设计与评价提供了依据。
The URRS is a new drilling technology. There is no pattern for designing the whipstock. The slide-way trajectory of whipstock is line and arc, and the load on the rollers is estimated on elastic-plastic beam theory at present. There are many problems in experiment, like great resistance on drill-pipe moving, great fluctuation of resistance on drilling-pipe, and easily losing effect of the roller bears etc. As the resistance on drilling-pipe fluctuates with the depth of drilling, the place and energy are not constant in drilling-pipe. It is difficult to design the slide-way trajectory with traditional analysis method. The drilling-pipe is simplified as a plate in this paper, because drilling-pipe deformation is dominated by bending. The relations between the limited resistance on drill-pipe with friction factor, load on plate-end and slide-way trajectory are studied by FEM simulation. Their resistance pattern and the slide-way resistance model are suggested. It can be used to justify the design of URRS whipstock.
Oil Field Equipment
中石油创新基金资助径向井转向器滑道的建模及实验研究项目 (0 3E70 2 3)