对 2 0 0 1年对辽宁省农村医疗保健需要、需求和利用进行调查。样本选择主要根据不同地区经济水平 ,抽取 9个县、2 7个乡、5 4个村 ,共调查了 10 84户、3812人。分析了不同经济水平地区农村居民的患病率、医疗服务利用频率、就医流向、医疗费用支出水平及其在家庭支出中的比例、患病未利用原因及比例的差异和特征。并分析了医疗需要和利用的变化状况 ,调查对象对农村医疗保障形式的意愿。研究结果揭示低经济水平地区居民高需要、低需求、未就医率高、医疗费用负担重的状况。
To focus on analysis the medical needs, demands and utilization, adopt household interview survey, the sampling size covering 3812 persons and 1084 families choose randomly from 54 villages, 27 township and nine counties in Liaoning province in 2001. It showed the big differences in two week morbidity and chronic, use of medical care such as outpatient and inpatient, and medical expenditures and burden for family among yearly income groups. It also displayed the which level of health facility was mostly seek when they need medical services and what was major reasons for non-used people, and the desires for rural health insurance system, and the changes for the medical needs and utilization over time. It concluded that there are more high health needs, low demands, and high non-used rate, and heavy burden in health spending for the poor regions.
Medicine and Philosophy