江西通过贵溪市、余江县 5 %农村人口医疗消费调查和 7个试点县的基线调查 ,分别制定了省和试点县新型农村合作医疗试点工作的项目管理方案 ;并在强化政府责任 ,建立合作医疗管理体制 ,提高卫生院服务能力 ,实行合作医疗费用公示制度 ,加强信息交流 ,及时出台指导性、纠偏性政策等进行方面了实践 ,取得了试点工作进展顺利 ,农民受益和满意。建议加强基金的管理 ,加大对农村卫生的投入 ,增加筹资总量 ,尽早启动医疗救助资金。
To work out project management schemes of rural medicare cooperation in Jiangxi province based on investigations.To take some measures:such as establishment of medicare cooperation management system,making medicare fees to the public,working out policies of correction mistakes,et al.Some suggestious should be taken:strengthening fund management,more investment of rural health implement of medicare-aid fund as soon as possible.
Medicine and Philosophy