试验研究了 3~ 2 1片XP - 70标准悬式绝缘子串在覆冰和污秽下的交流闪络特性 ,提出换算到 2 0℃时覆冰水电导率γ2 0 与每片绝缘子上平均覆冰量w的积σ0 可作为表征覆冰和污秽影响绝缘子串最低闪络电压Ufmin 的特征量。在绝缘子串 >2 / 3被冰棱桥接的严重覆冰条件下 ,XP-70绝缘子串的Ufmin 与绝缘子串长度 (或片数 )呈线性关系 ,与σ0 之间呈负指数幂函数关系 ,其特征指数为 0 32。
Based on a series of systematic laboratory investigation carried out on the flashover of strings of 3 to 21 suspension insulator units ice-covered with polluted spraying water which is aimed at obtaining the AC flashover performance, this paper discusses the flashover performance of long iced XP 70 insulator string. According to the analysis of test results, it puts forward that the product σ 0 of the icing water conductivity γ 20 converted to the value of 20℃ and the average ice amount w accreted on each insulator unit could be used as a characteristic parameter to show the effects of the ice and the contaminated icing water as well as the pre-contamination of the insulator on the minimum flashover voltage, and that the minimum flashover voltage of an iced insulator string in the severe ice-covered state can be expressed as a power function of σ 0 by an index of 0.32. and it indicates that the minimum flashover voltage of an ice-covered XP-70 insulator string is directly proportional to the units or length of an insulator string.
High Voltage Engineering
国家自然科学基金重大研究计划项目 ( 90 2 10 0 2 6)