《诗经》时代 ,战争、徭役相当频繁 ,其承担者——士兵 ,长年在外奔波 ,久役不归 ,从而产生了难以抑制的思乡之情。统治阶级内部的小官吏位卑职贱 ,日夜操劳 ,思乡怀归之情也非常强烈。究其原因 ,一是以农为本的中华民族 ,安土重迁的观念根深蒂固 ,因此对故土怀有深挚的感情 ,长久离家 ,必然会产生一种思念之情。二是“孝”在中华民族的道德伦理中占有重要地位 ,侍奉双亲是子女义不容辞的责任。但对于长期服役的人来说 ,久而不归 ,以致年迈的父母无人照顾 ,因此 ,难免会产生浓重的思乡怀归之情。
In the period described by The Book of Songs,wars and forced labor being quite frequent,soliders had always been away from home for years,having no chance to return home. That was why they had had the strong feeding of missing home,which was hard to hold back. Some junior government officials were merely petty officials,working hard day and night,and they also had a strong feeling of missing home. As for the reasons,one was that in the old China,agriculture was the basis,and people were attached to their native land and unwilling to leave it. So people had a special affection towards their home land and missde their home very much if they had been away from home for years. Another reason was that filial piety was an important part of Chinese morality and chilelren had an necessary duty to their parents. But to those people who had to be on service and couldn't return for years and whose parents had no one to take care of them, it was natural to have couldn′t a strong feeling of missing home.
Journal of Jining Teachers College
The Book of Songs nostalgia for one's native land be attached to one's native land and unwilling to leave it filial piety