目的 :观察二冬汤合消瘰丸加减配合西药治疗甲状腺功能亢进症 (甲亢 )的远期临床疗效。方法 :将符合纳入标准的2 76例甲亢病人随机分成中西医结合治疗组 195例和单纯西药治疗对照组 81例 ,分别常规给予他巴唑、丙基硫氧嘧啶口服 ,治疗组加用二冬汤合消瘰丸加减 ,停药后随访 3年。结果 :治疗组治愈 14 0例 ,未愈 5 5例 ,治愈率为 71.79% (95 % CI=6 5 .4 7%~78.11% ) ;对照组治愈 4 4例 ,未愈 37例 ,治愈率为 5 4 .32 % (95 % CI=4 3.4 7%~ 6 5 .17% )。两组有明显差异 (P=0 .0 0 5 1)。治疗组发生粒细胞减少患者 5 4例 ,占 2 7.6 9% (95 % CI=2 1.4 1%~ 33.97% ) ;对照组为 36例 ,占 4 4 .4 4 % (95 % CI=33.6 2 %~5 5 .2 6 % ) ,差异显著 (P=0 .0 0 73)。治疗组治愈 14 0例经 3年随访复发 2 1例 ,占 15 .0 0 % (95 % CI=9.0 9%~ 2 0 .91% ) ;对照组4 4例中复发 15例 ,占 34.0 9% (95 % CI=2 0 .0 8%~ 4 8.10 % ) ,差异明显 (P=0 .0 0 5 5 )。结论 :中西医结合疗法近期疗效优于对照组 (OR=0 .4 7,NNT=6 ) ,副作用小 (OR=0 .4 8,NNT=6 ) ,治愈患者远期复发率低 (OR=0 .34,NNT=5 )。
Objective:To observe the long term follow up effect of modified Erdong decoction and Xiaoluo pill(EDXP,二冬汤合消瘰丸加减) in treating hyperthyroidism.Method:276 patients were recruited and divided into the treatment group(195 cases) and the control group(81 cases) The former was treated with integrative TCM and WM,the later was treated with tapazole or propylthiouracil.The follow up survey continued for three years.Result:In the treatment group,140 patients were cured,55 patients were not cured,the cure rate was 71.79%(95%CI=65.47%~78.11%).In the control group,44 patients were cured,37 patients were not cured,the cure rate was 54.32%(95%CI=43.47%~65.17%).There was significant difference between the two groups(P=0.0051).54 patients in the treatment group suffered granulocytopenia (27.69%,95%CI=21.41%~33.97%).While 36 cases of granulocytopenia occurred in the control group(44.44%,95%CI=33.62%~55.26%).The difference was notable(P=0.0073).21 patients in the treatment group relapsed after 3 years follow up survey(15.00%,95%CI=9.09%~20.91%),while 15 patients in the control group relapsed (34.09%,95%CI=20.08%~48.10%).The difference was notable(P=0.0055).Conclusion:The therapeutic effect in the treatment group was superior to that in the control group (OR=0.47,NNT=6),and the incidence of side effects in the treatment gruop was lower than in the control group(OR=0.48,NNT=6),the long term recurrence rate was lower too(OR=0.34,NNT=5).
Shanxi Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
antithyroid drugs
Erdong decoction
Xiaoluo pill
long term effect
therapy of integrative TCM and WM