目的 了解上海市社区老年护理工作内容。方法 2 0 0 0年对 2 0家示范性社区卫生服务中心的卫生服务科的科长 2 0人作社区护士工作内容的问卷调查 ;2 0 0 1年对社区居民 2 0 4人作社区护理需求的问卷调查以及对社区护士 10 8人作工作内容的问卷调查 ;2 0 0 2年社区护士 5 5人以工作日记记录法作 5d的记录 ,再经专家修正 ,确立工作内容。结果 2 0 0 0年调查 :上海已全面开展了“家庭病床”的对老年慢性病患者的护理操作 ;2 0 0 1年调查 :老年护理中的 3项位居社区护理需求和提供各自 3 3项中的前四位 ;2 0 0 2年调查 :社区老年护理的直接护理时间占总时间的 2 9.82 % ,应包括 3项职能、5项活动和 45项任务 ,已实施 3 2项。结论 上海社区老年护理是社区护理的重要部分 ,能以需求为导向、不断扩展服务对象和内容。
Objective To investigate the current status of community gerontology nurseing in shanghai.Methods Managers' opinions about community nurses' tasks were collected by questionnaires from 20 community health service centers in 2000 .Opinions about community nurses' tasks and the residents' needs were also collected by questionnaires from 108 community nurses and 204 residents respectively in 2001.The detailed information about the service items on which community nurses spend their time in 5 working days was gathered through work reports.Specialists were consulted for revision suggestion in 2002.Results Home care for old patients with chronic diseases was performed popularly in 2000.Three items subordinated to gerontology nursing took leading place in all the items of residents' needs and nurses' task in 2001.29.82% of the total time was allocated to direct nursing. Contents of community nursing can be divided into 3 functions,5 activities and 38 tasks, among which 28 tasks were performed in 2002. The task accounting for the most time is nursing for chronic diseases.Conclusions Community gerontology nursing is an important part of community nursing in Shanghai and it should be improved constantly by the development of service clients and service contents, which should be directed by the residents' needs.
Nursing Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army