本文在标准的内生增长模型中分析了发展中国家对发达国家的技术模仿和经济赶超问题 ,指出发展中国家对于发达国家先进技术的模仿能力取决于发展中国家的人均人力资本水平。许多发展中国家之所以不能通过模仿发达国家的先进技术实现经济赶超 ,是因为其人力资本水平低下 ,无法吸收和利用发达国家的先进技术。引进的技术与人力资本的不匹配导致了发展中国家技术模仿的失败以及经济增长绩效的低下。因此提高人力资本储蓄率。
We study technological imitation and economic catching-up of least developed co u ntries (LDCs) using standard endogenous growth models, and point out that their capacity to emulate LDCs technologically depends on the level of the per capit a human capital in these countries. Low levels of human capital, and mismatches with the advanced t echnology adopted from DCs, lead to failure in technological imitation and poor performance in long-term growth across LDCs. Therefore, a feasible policy choic e for LDCs is to improve their rate of human capital savings, and the level of pe r capita human capital within their labor force in general.
Social Sciences in China
国家自然科学基金(编号 70 2 0 3 0 0 8)
教育部人文社科重大项目 (编号 0JAZJD790 0 2 2 )的资助