本文把中国的城乡收入差距纳入制度经济学的分析框架 ,考察其变化的几个临界点。 1978年的城乡收入差距水平 ,打破了传统城乡关系政策赖以存在的制度均衡 ,导致农村经济改革。在改革期间 ,城市居民运用其特有的“投票”和“呼声”机制 ,影响着城乡关系政策 ,阻碍农村劳动力的永久转移 ,继续维系着城市偏向政策。然而 ,农民仍然可以通过“退出”机制即“用脚投票” ,最终推动城市偏向政策的改变。当城乡收入差距回复到改革之初的水平时 ,制度变革的条件将成熟 。
Employing an institutional economic framework, we examine the rural urban income gap and its critical points for change. In 1978, the extent of this gap broke t he institutional equilibrium on which the traditional rural-urban relationship h ad relied, leading to overall reform in rural China. In the post-reform period, making use of their ability to influence policy-making, urban residents have so far succeeded in maintaining urban biased government policies, and barring rural labor from migrating to cities permanently. The main lobbying mechanism of urba n residents' is provided by their “vote” and “voice”, which their rural coun terp arts lack. However, farmers have ways to “get around” the urban biased policie s that are unfavorable to them. This “voting with their feet” eventually will dr iv e policy change. When the rural urban income gap reaches the levels of 1978, a c ritical point for institutional change will have been reached. The timing and co nditions will be ripe for reform of the whole policy package on which the presen t rural urban divide has been built.
Social Sciences in China