C .O .Schrag的哲学解释学和K .J.Gergen的社会结构主义等理论对我们阐明以学生活动为中心的对话学习理论具有启发性。对话学习是我们能够开创美好未来的最佳教育理论。人类是通过对话创造未来可能的生活。人类的未来充满各种不确定性 ,惟有对话才能把这种不确定性转化为确定性和可能性 ,并且把未来的可能性转化为学生的创造性活动。学生是在进行对话的过程中表现自己并得到成长。对话是通过语言的相互交流、相互解释和相互理解来达到共识的过程。另外 ,对话既是学生实现自我潜能的过程 ,同时也是创造文化的过程。学生在面对面的相互理解、相互交流、相互切磋的对话过程中能够创造出新的理念。通过这种对话过程 ,学生将创造出更有价值的人生 ,也将创造出道德的和美学的文化共同体。活生生的对话使你和我成为“亲近的我们” ,使共同体的生活更具有道德性和创造性。总之 ,以学生活动为中心的对话学习教育理论的实施将有力地推进学校、国家和人类的充满道德和创造力的文化共同体。我们社会和教育现状也要求 ,必须要从以老师为中心的教育体制转向以学生对话为中心的新的教育体制。
This paper is a study on the dialogical learning for moral education based on C.O.Schrag's philosophical hermeneutics and K·J·Gergen's Social construction amony others. Human beings construct moral and creative life through discourse and interaction. This human dialogue can change the future uncertainty for possibility. And that can change the possibility to learners' creative activities. Learners grow up as moral and creative adults through the dialogue. Therefore they can always construct a better communal future through dialogue. Reciprocating each other's understanding and idea is to realize one's potentiality, to create culture, and to live a personally meaningful life with others in community That is to say, the dialogical engagement in a class toward upcoming better future paves a way to the learners' personal growth. Morality in the dialogical community is found in the 'fitting response'. This fitting response to others' moves, intellectual or practical, are moral and aesthetic at the time. In other words, the life of fitting responses means unconditionally loving a suffering other in the present of our communicative praxis. This self-realization can be achieved through the dialogical-learning in moral education and school. Accordingly this dialogical learning can develop school and social community as the creative cultural community based on love. Here I insist that moral education and school should radically be converted into the dialogical learning centered on the learners' activities beyond molding education centered on the teacher.
Studies in Ethics