
1983~2002年石家庄市军队老年人769例死因分析 被引量:2

The analysis of 769 death cases among elderly veterans during 1983~2002 in Shijiazhuang
摘要 目的 了解军队老年人主要疾病死亡原因及其变化趋势。方法 应用国际疾病分类方法 (ICD - 10 )对我院所属的 2 6个军队干休所 6 0岁及以上的军队离退休干部 1983~ 2 0 0 2年 76 9例死因资料进行编码 ,归类、统计。结果 军队老年人的前 5位死因构成顺位依次为恶性肿瘤 ( 35 8% )、心血管疾病 ( 2 4 4 % )、多脏器功能衰竭( 10 1% )、脑血管疾病 ( 10 0 % )、呼吸系统疾病 ( 7 7% ) ,占全部死亡数的 88 0 %。恶性肿瘤死亡首位为肺癌 ;呼吸系统疾病死因位次不断前移。老年人伴随疾病较多 ,最多伴有 9种疾病 ,平均 3 6种。结论 应加强老年人的肿瘤一级预防及二级预防 ,积极控制高血压 。 Objective To analyze the death causes and tendency among elderly veterans in Shijiazhuang.Methods The data of death causes of 769 elderly veterans from 26 military sanatorium in Shijiazhuang were coded,classified and counted by ICD-10.Results The cancer(35 8%),cardiovascular disease(24 4%),multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) (10 1%),cerebrovascular diseases(10 0%)and respiratory system disease(7 7%) were separately took the first 5 place among all death cases.The highest mortality of cancer was lung cancer.The mortality order of respiratory system disease was moved forward continuously.Conclusion It should be to intensify the primary and second prevention on elderly cancer,and to control the hypertension,in order to decrease the mortality of elderly veterans.
出处 《中国全科医学》 CAS CSCD 2004年第5期340-341,共2页 Chinese General Practice
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