在大学学习科学研究中 ,应重视学习兴趣及其对创新人才成长影响的研究。学习兴趣在学习过程中具有元动力作用 ,对创新学习与创新人才成长极为重要。高等教育应重视大学生学习兴趣尤其是专业兴趣的培养 ,尊重大学生的兴趣爱好 。
During the undergraduate study and the scientific research, the study on learning interest and of its impact on the cultivating of talents' creativity should be paid great attention. Learning interest plays the primitive function of motivation in learning progress, and is very important to improve student's innovative learning and the innovative talent's development. The cultivating of student's learning interest, especially the interest in major should be noticed, the undergraduate student's habit and idea should be respected and a good environment of innovative talent's development should be emerged in higher education.
Fudan Education Forum