本文报道蜜环菌(Armillaria mellea)侵染猪苓(Grifola umbellata)菌核后,菌核自蜜环菌获得营养的方式及其两种真菌的关系。蜜环菌侵染菌核后的初期阶段,猪苓菌核菌丝可反侵染于邻近的蜜环菌索皮层的1—3层细胞,从中获取营养;后期,菌核菌丝主要靠附着和部分插入蜜环菌索皮层及侵染带细胞的间隙吸收蜜环菌的代谢产物。由于得到了营养,蜜环菌侵染区外围的菌核菌丝开始繁殖。观察了细胞核分裂等菌丝生长特点。实验结果证明,猪苓菌核与蜜环菌属于较特殊的真菌间的共生关系。
Ways nutrient-uptake of sclerotia of Grtfola umbellata and the relationship between G. um- bellata and Armillaria mellea were studied. At the primary stage of sclerotia of G. umbellata infected by A. mellea, the hyphae of G. umbellam could obtain nutrients by invading the one- to three-layer-cells of .A. mellea cortex which existed in the sclerotia of G. umbellata, a.t late stage of A. mellea infection, the nutrient source of sclelotia.of G. umbellata mainly depended on its hyphae, adhering on the intercellular space of A. mellea, to suck the metabolic products of A. mellea. After being nourished the hyphae of sclerotia of G. umbellata outside of the rhizomorph of A. mellea began to reproduce, as their nuclear divisions were well observed. The results sag- gested that the mutual assimilation between G. umbellata and A. mellea could be defined as a form of special Symbiotic relation
Grifola umbellata
Armillaria mellea
Symbiotic relation