[目的]了解无沿汽油使用后 ,上海市汽车尾气相关空气污染对小学生健康的影响。[方法]选择上海市交通污染严重地区A小学和相对污染较轻地区B小学学生为调查对象。A小学共抽样调查139人 ,其中男生60人 ,女生79人 ;B小学共调查了170人 ,男生79人 ,女生91人。比较两校学生的健康状况。[结果]A小学学生呼吸道症状出现率明显比B小学学生高 ,而且尾气暴露与呼吸道症状出现有显著相关 ;汽车尾气相关空气污染对学生的体格发育也有影响 ,尤其是对学生肺活量及胸围等指标。血铅测定结果表明A小学学生血铅依然比B小学学生要高 ,但是两校学生的血铅均处于比较低的水平 ,其中A小学学生和B小学学生血铅的几何均值分别为0.298μmol/L和0.252μmol/L。[结论]无铅汽油对于降低学生血铅有积极意义 ,但是无铅汽油并不是无害汽油 。
ObjectiveTo explore the health effect of air pollution frommotor vehicle emission on school pupils after introduction of unleaded gasoline.[Methods]We compared the health status of those children in the areas seriously or lightly polluted by vehicle eˉmission.Among them about139children were from area seriously polluted,60were male and79were female,while170children were fromarea lightly polluted,79were male and91were female.[Results]The results demonstrated that there was higher rate of respiratory symptoms in seriously polluted area than that in lightly polluted area,also significant association between vehicle emission exposure and the rate of respiratory symptoms was found.The air pollutans from vehicle also had some harmful effect on the children's body growth,especially on the children's vital volume and chest circumference.The blood lead concentration(BLC)showed that the children's BLC in seriously polluted area was higher than that in lightly polluted area,but average BLC was at a lowlevel,they were0.298μmol/L and0.252μmol/L in seicously and lightly polluted areas,respectively.[Conclusion] The introduction of unleaded gasoline has some positive effect in lowering children's BLC in Shanghai,but the unleaded gasoline is not a non-harmful,there is a long way ahead in control for air pollution from vehicle emission.
Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine
上海市环保局科研基金 (编号:沪环科99-001)