迄今为止 ,二元经济理论已历经半个多世纪的发展 ,它在指导发展中国家的经济发展实践中曾起到过不容忽视的作用。 2 0世纪 80年代以来 ,随着新增长理论、新贸易理论以及新制度经济学等理论分支的迅猛发展 ,二元经济理论的研究取得了新的进展 ,在实证分析中也随处可见上述理论运用的踪迹。
Up to now, dual economic theory has experienced evolution for half a century and it has played an un neglectable part in guiding the practice of economic development in developing countries. Since the1980s, with the rapid development of new growth theory, new trade theory and branches of new institution theory, dual economic theory has made new development, whose application is reflected in much empirical research. On the basis of making emphasized comment, the paper analyses the trends and characteristics of dual economic structure in China.
Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics