明朝前期在贵州建置了两类城镇 ,即以军事职能为主的卫所城镇和以民事管理为主的“郡邑”城镇。从明中期开始 ,贵州逐渐出现越来越多的“州卫同城”现象 ,即卫所与府、州、县治同治一城。明朝贵州出现“州卫同城”的现象是与贵州当地的地理、政治、经济环境分不开的 ,有其政治层面与经济层面的合理性。“州卫同城”将卫所的军事职能与“郡邑”的民事职能合并起来 ,既促进了城镇本身的发展 ,又有益于加深对当地的统治。“州卫同城”是明朝贵州城镇在发展过程中再次选择城址的表现 ,也是明朝在贵州的统治逐渐稳定和深入的表现 ,标志着贵州至此真正成为了同内地省份一样的政区。
There ware two types of cities built in Guizhou province in the early Ming Dynasty,one was Wei Suo,the other was Jun Yi. These two cities had different functions,Wei Suo was built for military services,while Jun Yi's main function was to govern people. In the mid of Ming Dynasty,such a phenomenon became more and more normal,that is,a Wei Suo and a Jun Yi were established in the same city,and the city's functions became more and more complicate. This phenomenon was caused by Guizhou's special geographic environment and political situation,and this phenomenon meant Ming Dynasty's dominion in Guizhou became more and more stable.
Journal of Chinese Historical Geography