目的 探讨CT引导下经皮穿刺脊椎活检在脊柱病变诊断中的作用。方法 对 31例脊椎病变患者根据临床X线平片和常规化验、凝血酶原时间、活化部分凝血活酶时间 ,在CT引导下经皮椎体或椎弓根针吸、套吸取样进行活检。结果 脊柱肿瘤样病变穿刺活检 31例 ,有病理结果 30例 ,1例穿刺失败。 30例手术病理结果与穿刺病理结果全部符合。结论 CT引导下经皮椎体或椎弓根针吸、套吸活检是一种方便、快捷确诊的主要方法 ,为临床诊断治疗提供了可靠的组织学依据 ,且穿刺部位准确、三维定向好、副损伤小 。
Objective To investigate the percutaneous biopsy with CT navigation in diagnosis of spondylopathy. Methods After roentgenografy and routine laboratory examination as well as PT APTT,31cases with spondylopathy were exarnined by percutaneous lesions aspiration biopsy with CT navigation. Results 31 cases with phymatoin lesions were performed biopsy, of which 30 got pathologic results and 1 failed. The corrdance of pathologic results from operation and biopsy was found in 30 cases. Conclusion It is an effective and reliable way to perform percutaneous biopsy with CT navigation in diagnosis of spondylopathy.It provides accurate localization,less invasion and reliable samples.
Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics