从陕西关中西部地区岐山县 11个国有粮库的粮仓中抽取 2 0 0 2年生产的 11个小麦商品粮样本 ,测定其品质指标并进行了分析。结果表明 ,关中西部商品小麦杂质含量高 ,但水分含量、蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量较为理想 ,均达到优质小麦强筋二等标准 (GB/T17892— 1999)的要求 ;沉淀值较小 ,稳定时间短 ,弱化度高 ,评价值低 。
Eleven wheat samples were taken from eleven state-run grain depots in the west of Guangzhong district of Shaanxi Province, and their quality properties were tested. The analytical results showed that high impurity content was a notable characteristic of the marketable wheat produced in this area; the contents of moisture, protein and wet gluten were as ideal as conformable to the requirement of GB/T17892—1999 for Grade II high strength wheat, but the sedimentation value and dough stability were poorer, softening degree was higher, valuemeter value was lower, and it could be milled into medium strength flour with high gluten.
Cereal & Feed Industry
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