埃伦的著作《圈地和约曼》对英国议会圈地后租地大农场的经营问题 ,诸如是否比敞地制下的经营进步、是否提高了农业产量与劳动生产率等用计量分析予以否定 ,这种观点在国内外史学界都有一定回应。但计量分析往往看重单纯的数据分析而忽视社会中各因素之间的联系。事实上 ,租地大农场的出现是与新的耕作制的采用相伴随的 ,它们是面向市场的资本主义性质的生产 ,使得劳动力的使用更加合理和有效率 ,农业产量与劳动生产率也有较大提高 ,这无疑是英国农业生产上的一个巨大进步。
Robert Allen doubted in his book Enclosure and Yeoman of the farm management after the English Parliamentary Enclosure, for example, whe ther the rented farm management was more advanced than the open-field system, a nd whether it promoted the agricultural production and productivity. Many domest ic and foreign historical scholars responded this kind of view. However, the met rical method only emphasized on the data analysis, while neglected the interrela tionship between various social factors. In fact, the appearance of rented farms was accompanied by the new cultivation system. They conducted the market-orien ted, capitalistic production, which made the labor application more reasonable a nd efficient, as well as improved agricultural production and labor productivity .
Wuhan University Journal (Humanity Sciences)