新《刑法》及《全国人大常委会关于禁毒的决定》等有关刑事法律制定后 ,对我国严厉打击毒品犯罪起到了很大作用 ,但随着毒品犯罪手段、形式多样化的发展 ,现行立法中仍存在一些问题 :1、规定及惩罚不够明确 ;2、对吸毒行为没有给予刑罚处罚 ;3、未对非法提供制毒设备的行为给予处罚……。建议 :从毒品犯罪罪名、犯罪情节、财产刑、对付洗钱行为和易制毒物品种类方面 ,加强禁毒刑事立法工作。
There are problems in legislation against drug crimes,in part due to the difficulty in keeping pace with new types of crimes. These problems include obscure regulations and punishments;no criminal punishment against drug users;and no punishment against illegal offerings of equipment for making drugs. Suggestions are given as follows: criminal legislation can be strengthened in such areas as accusation,circumstances,financial punishment,measures on money laundering and classification of precursor chemicals.
The Journal of Yunnan Police College