在模拟的氧化、酸性土壤条件下,用制备的低聚合羟基铁离子 蒙脱石复合体对磷酸根、铬酸根离子的竞争吸附进行实验研究发现:磷酸根离子和铬酸根离子的不同用量、不同添加顺序对竞争吸附的影响,并与蒙脱石和含水氧化铁对磷酸根离子、铬酸根离子的竞争吸附行为进行了对比。研究表明:在实验条件下,磷酸根离子、铬酸根离子在低聚合羟基铁离子 蒙脱石复合体表面存在弱的竞争吸附现象。由于低聚合羟基铁离子 蒙脱石复合体具有对磷酸根稍强的亲和性,在竞争吸附中,磷酸根离子处于稍有利的位置。
Competitive adsorption of phosphate and chromate has been conducted on the surface of hydroxy-Fe-montmorillonite complex. The effect of the initial concentration and the addition order of phosphate and chromate on their uptake by hydroxy-Fe-montmorillonite complex have been investigated in detail. Results showed that competitive adsorption does exist between phosphate and chromate on hydroxy-Fe-montmorillonite complex under experimental conditions, although P adsorption only slightly decreased in competitive experiments with Cr and vice versa. Phosphate seems to be a stronger competitor, probably because it has a relatively higher affinity for adsorption on hydroxy-Fe-montmorillonite complex. Both the concentration and the addition order of anions have only a small influence on their uptakes, probably because these two anions are adsorbed on different site. For comparison, similar experiments have been done on the surfaces of Fe oxyhydroxide and montmorillonite.
Mineralogy and Petrology
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (49973 0 2 8)