由具有三轴联动(两移动轴加一转动轴)功能的数控砂轮修整器来修整成型砂轮时,需要设计相应的曲线光顺处理程序以保证修整工具始终处于砂轮曲面的法线方向。由于光顺处理过程涉及到大量插补点坐标值的计算和排序,按传统方法利用VB和VC等编程语言进行程序设计时,只能采用动态数组的形式进行坐标序列的排序和管理,编程工作量大。通过在Visual FoxPro 6.O中利用数据库技术对坐标序列进行排序和计算,能够有效地简化编程工作。
For dressing form wheel by the wheel form surface NC dresser with three NC axes (two moving axes and one circum-rotating axis) function, the corresponding curve smoothly treating program must be designed to assure the special requirement that the normal vector of the dressing tools must be the same as the curve of the wheel. Because of lots of operation and scheduling about the interpolated coordinate data during the curve smoothly fitting with plane point range, the program must be designed with dynamic array to order and manage the point range while using program language such as VC or VB in traditional method, but such raise the workload of programming. By using database technique of Visual FoxPro 6.0 to order and operate the point range, the software programming can be effectively simplified.
Computer Engineering and Design