目的 :研究儿童孤独症患者的一般资料特点。方法 :收集门诊就诊的 1176例孤独症患者一般资料 ,使用SPSS统计软件进行描述性统计分析。结果 :在 1176例患者中 ,于 3岁后才被家长发现症状者多达 3 5 10 % ,3岁以下初诊患儿仅占 2 1 43 % ,发现症状与前来求治平均间隔时间长达 3 5 0 3± 2 7 86个月。结论 :加强健康教育 ,提高对本病的认识 ,以期早发现 ,早治疗。
Objective: To study the general characteristics of autistic children. Methods: The data of 1176 autistic children who were diagnosed in the Institute of Mental Health, Beijing Medical University was gathered, descriptive statistics were done with SPSS software. Results: As many as 35.10% of the autistic children are identified by their parents having problems in behavior until they were 3 years old. The average age of consulting was 60.61±26.8 months. Only 21.43% children were brought to child psychiatrists under the age of 3. They were brought to hospital 35.03±27.86 months after being discovered the symptoms.Conclusion:Health education for child autism should be strengthened so that it can be early identified.
Chinese Mental Health Journal