
用GMPLS构建新型光因特网 被引量:2

Constructing New Optical Internet with GMPLS
摘要 近年来电信市场呈现出迅速膨胀和多样化的发展趋势,新的网络和业务提供商不断进入市场,竞争日益激烈。人们普遍希望数据网络承载的主要业务将是基于IP的。通用多协议标签交换(GMPLS)技术的出现为光因特网的实现提供了一种新的方式。基于GMPLS技术建立了新的光因特网网络体系结构,分析和讨论了基于GMPLS的光因特网控制平面的特征,研究结果为构建光因特网提供了一种新方案。 In recent years,the telecommunications market expanded rapidly and got diversified. Emerging network and service providers have continuously entered the market and the competition has sharpened strongly. It is widely expected that the predominant traffic carried over data networks will be IP-based. The emerging of GMPLS technology provides a new means of realizing the optical Internet. In this paper,a new network architecture of optical Internet is established based on GMPLS technology,and some features of control plane based on GMPLS for optical Internet are also analyzed and discussed. The research result offers a new scheme for the realization of optical Internet.
作者 张宁 纪越峰
出处 《现代电信科技》 2004年第2期21-26,共6页 Modern Science & Technology of Telecommunications
基金 国家自然科学基金(编号:90104017) 北京市自然科学基金(编号:4002008) 教育部重大项目(编号:0215) 国家863计划(编号:2002AA122034)资助。
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