已经证明严重急性呼吸综合征 (SARS)是由一种新型冠状病毒所引起。在控制疾病过程中 ,早期发现、明确传播途径、采取特殊的预防措施是非常重要的。我国制定了疑似和确诊病例的标准 ,但实验室检查和标准还不完善。迄今主要的治疗措施是隔离、应用利巴韦林和糖皮质激素 ,以及机械通气等 ,其他治疗措施诸如恢复期血清疗法还处于探索之中。在征服SARS的过程中还有很多问题急待解决。
It has been proved that severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is caused by a novel coronavirus. Detecting disease in its early stage, understanding its pathways of transmission and implementing specific prevention measures for the disease are very important in the course of disease control. China has established the definitions of suspected and confirmed cases of SARS. But the laboratory tests and definitions for the diagnosis are limited.Now the primary measures for SARS include isolation, therapeutics application with ribavirin and corticosteroid, mechanical ventilation, etc. Convalescent plasma is being explored.There still are many problems to be solved in the course of conquering SARS.
Journal of Medical Postgraduates