滑雪旅游作为旅游产业的重要组成部分 ,在西方国家已有百年之久 ,并已成为人们最重要的旅游方式之一。在中国 ,滑雪旅游业刚刚产生 ,还很不成熟。黑龙江省作为国内最早开展滑雪旅游的省份 ,在国内已有一定的影响 ,滑雪旅游产业已初步形成。利用现有条件 ,寻找发展对策 ,走可持续道路 ,是黑龙江省滑雪旅游发展的必由之路。
Skiing tourism, as an important part of tourist industry, has about one hundred years history in the west countries where people regard it as one of the most popular way of relaxiation Skiing Tourism is rather new in China now and still has a long way to go. Heilongjiang province, as the first province to develop skiing, definitely has certain advantayes in our country by making use of the favorable conditions for the sustainable development.
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