对来自中美洲4个国家13个地区的加勒比松洪都拉斯变种(Pinus caribaea Mor.var.hondurensis Barr.et Golf)种源进行了8年试验,测定树高、胸径、针叶长、分枝数、冠面积等,经方差分析和相关分析证明,种源间无显著差异。种源生长与种源产地的地理位置相关不显著,各种源早晚期生长相关极显著,5项主要性状变异系数小的种源单株材积较大。
The geographical provenance test of Pinus caribaea Mor. var. hondurensis Barr. et Golf which provenances were introduced from four countries, thirteen areas of Central America has been earring out for eight years, the tree height, diaemeter breast height, needle length, branch numbers and crown area were surreyed and the analysis of varance and the analysis of correlation were made, It has been verified that the variance among provenances and the correlation of increase and geographical distribution of provenance are not obvious. Otherwise, the correlation between seedling stage growth and young stage growth for each provenance are very distinct and the provenance with smaller ceofficent of variation on five main characters has greater tree volume.
Acta Botanica Yunnanica
Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis
Geographical provenance
Geographical varia- tion
Test of correlation