Foreign Medical Sciences(Geriatrics)
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5Expert panel on Detection、 Evaluation、 and Treatment of ,high Blood Cholesterol in adults Group. Executive summary of the Third Report of the cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert panel on petecfion、 Evaluation、 and Treatment of hugh blood cholesterol in adults (Adult Treatment Panel Ⅲ ). JAMA, 2001; 285 (19): 2486-2497. 被引量:1
6UK Prospective Diabetes Study Group. Tight bloM Pressure Control and risk of macrovascular and microvasvular Complication in the type - 2 diabetes. UKPDS 38. BMJ, 1998;(7191): 703-713. 被引量:1
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10Pradhan AD, Manson JE, Rifai N et al. C- re - active Protein, interleukin 6、and risk of developing type-2 diabetes mellitus. JAMA, 2001; 286 (3): 327-334. 被引量:1
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