目的 证明应用光子嫩肤仪治疗面部雀斑是有应用前景 ,并可推广的治疗方法。方法 采用波长 5 6 0nm的IPLQuantumSR光子嫩肤仪治疗面部雀斑 1~ 3次 ,每次间隔 3~ 4周 ,术前术后拍照对比 ,观察临床效果 ,并一一做好记录。结果 6 71例患者随访 6个月至 1年。 5 93例治疗效果稳定 ,78例经第 2个疗程治疗后 ,雀斑基本消退。以雀斑减少 5 0 %以上为有效 ,减少 80 %以上为显效。 6 6 7例有效 (占 99.5 % ) ,5 6 8例显效 (占 84 .6 % ) ,4例无效(占 0 .6 % )。结论 使用光子嫩肤仪治疗雀斑方便快捷 ,安全有效 ,操作简单 ,无需休息 ,患者易于接受 ,是目前值得推广。
Objective To study the effectiveners of intense pulsed light on the freckles of face. Methods 671 patients were treated with IPL rejuvenation in one or three treatments, the interval between procedures is 3 to 4 weeks. The parameter is that 560?nm cut-off filter with two pulses: 2.2~2.6?ms and then 4.0~4.4?ms at intervals of 20~30?ms. The fluence was between 25~28?J/cm 2. Results 568 patients were impoved. 667 patients were effective and 4 patients ineffective. Conclusion With IPL rejuvenation the freckles can be removed effectively.