AD8370是美国AD公司推出的一种低成本、数字控制的可变增益放大器 ,它具有高IP3和低噪声系数以及优良的失真性能和较宽的带宽 ,可以广泛应用于差分ADC驱动器、IF采样接收器、射频/中频放大中间级、SAW滤波器接口、单端差动转换器中。
The AD8370 is a low cost, digitally controlled, variable gain amplifier that provides high IP3 and low noise figure. The excellent distortion performance and wide bandwidth make the AD8370 a suitable gain control device for modern receiver designs and it can widely used in the filed of Differential ADC Driver,IF Sampling Receivers,Cellular/PCS Base Stations,RF/IF Gain Stages,SAW Filter Interfacing and Single-Ended to Differential Conversion. The basic principle of AD8370 and its application design are introduced.
International Electronic Elements