位于湖南省南部宁远、蓝山、江华三县之间的九嶷山 ,有远古华夏人文初祖五帝之一的舜帝陵墓 ,对于其死葬之地却历来众说纷纭。舜帝为我国古代道德文化的典型代表 ,历史地位重要 ,包括死葬在内的舜帝生平 ,古代典籍记载最为详尽 ,伟大史学家司马迁也有关于舜帝“崩于苍梧之野 ,葬于江南九嶷”的记载。综合有关前人研究成果和最新考古挖掘新发现 ,提出了“舜葬江南九嶷山可信而不可疑 ,窆宫向无其处是其实 ,圣人与名山神合”的观点 ,并认为以舜陵为中心的九嶷山舜文化是最为珍贵的旅游资源 ,应精心规划、重点投入、积极开发。
Jiuyi Mountain lies among Ningyuan,Lanshan and Jianghua country, which are in the southern of Hunan province. Shundi is as one of the five emperors in Hua Xia in remote antiquity. there are many different sayings on his death and mausaleum. Shundi is the typical representative of the ancient morality culture in China, for exarnple.he There are many recordations in detail including his life storyn ancient books. There are some sayings about his death died in the wild place in Cangwu and was buried in Jiuyi Mount in South China Si Maqian's books. Based on the ancient research results and the new discovery of archeology, the view of being saying of buried in Jiuyi Mount in South China is the most reliability. And that palace not other place is true and the viewpoint of the saint combined with famous mount is put forward. As the kernel of Shun Cultare,Shun Mausoleam is the costful tour resource in Jiuyi mountain, it should be laid out and ploughed into emphasis and developed actively.
Journal of Hengyang Normal University
湖南省普通高校重点建设课程<人文地理学>项目 (湘教通 [2 0 0 3]186号 )成果之一
Jiuyi Mount
Shun Mausoleum