目的 了解农村改厕覆盖率与居民肠道寄生虫感染的关系。方法 选择舒城、郎溪、歙县三个中国 /联合国儿童基金会水与环境卫生合作项目 ( WES项目 )县按改厕覆盖率不同选择调查点 ,随机抽取一定数量的人群 ,采集其新鲜粪便标本 ,采集的标本用改良加藤法 ( kato- kats法 )检查蠕虫卵。结果 三个县肠道寄生虫总感染率为 2 6 .92 % ,郎溪县最高为 6 4 .1% ;其中 ,蛔虫感染率最高为 19.5 8% ,感染年龄以 5~ 14 a年龄组感染率最高 ,分别占三个县感染人数的 4 2 .97%、6 6 .2 5 %和 75 % ,卫生厕所覆盖率达 70 %以上时 ,其肠道蠕虫感染率与卫生厕所覆盖率 4 0 %以下相比差异具有显著性。结论 不同改厕覆盖率与降低肠道寄生虫感染率相关 ,改厕覆盖率高 ,肠道寄生虫感染率低。
Objective To investigate the relationship between improved latrine coverage rate and intestinal parasite infections in rural. Methods According to improved latrine coverage rate, the sample sites were chosen from 3 WES' pilot counties (Shucheng, Langxi and Shexian). Fresh human excrements was collected and parasite egg examination was made by professional inspectors by means of improved Kato Kats. Results Total infection rate in 3 counties was 26.92%, Langxi had the highest intestinal parasite infection rate in 3 counties (64.1%). Roundworm had the highest infection rate in infected intestinal parasite (19.58%). 5~14 yesrs had the highest infection rate (42.97% for Shucheng, 66.25% for Langxi and 75% for Shexian). There was no significant difference between intestinal paresite infection rate and improved latrine coverage rate until the improved latrine coverage exceeded 70%. Conclusions Improved latrine coverage rate related with intestinal parasite infection rate. Higher the improved latrine coverage rate, lower the intestinal parasite infection rate.
Chinese Journal of Disease Control and Prevention
联合国儿童基金会资助课题 ( 2 0 0 0 - W0 2)