搜索引擎相关技术的研究是目前互联网的热门研究课题。现有搜索引擎利用了大量的计算机研究成果,了解现有搜索引擎的优点和不足同时在实现的搜索引擎中扬长避短,对搜索引擎的剖析是非常必要的。文中指出Google的PageR ank技术在处理超链接双向影响上的不足。在实现搜索引擎的过程中,充分利用分析的结果改进PageRank算法,从而充分利用网页间的超链接信息提高了搜索结果的有效性。
The research of technology of search engine is hot.Existing systems use a lot of fruits of Internet search.It is necessary to know the excellences and disadvantages of existing systems and use the excellences and avoid the disadvantages for analyzing existing systems.It points out the disadvantage of the technology of Google's PageRank of dealing with mutual effect of hyperlink.During the process of building a search engine,filly use the fruits of analyzing existing systems and improve the algorithm of PageRank,so that can use the information of webs hyperlinks to improve the effectiveness of search results.
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