流感病毒基质蛋白 MA包括 M1和 M2两种 ,在病毒进化过程中其结构是稳定的。 A型流感病毒 M1在病毒复制及感染中起关键作用 ,而 M2是一种跨膜蛋白 ,结构很保守。 M2可调节高尔基体跨膜转移通道的 p H梯度 ,对 HA蛋白起稳定性作用。将 M2与乙肝病毒制成融合蛋白 ( M2 HBc)分别免疫小鼠 ,小鼠获得了 90 %~10 0 %的免疫保护力 ,且具有交叉性和持久性。用研制的含 M2基因的 DNA疫苗 ,免疫小鼠产生了 M蛋白特异性的抗体和 CTL反应 。
The MA of influenza A virus, including M1 and M2,has a stable structure during the evolution of virus.The M1 play a great role in the replication and infection of virus. M2,being a integral membrane protein, is highly conserved in amino acid. M2 regulates transmembrane pH gradients in the trans Golgi. These data provide direct evidence that the influenza virus M2 protein ion channel activity can affect the status of the conformational form of cleaved HA during intracellular transport. Intraperitoneal or intranasal administration of purified M2HBc particles to mice provided 90%-100% protection against a lethal virus challenge,which is broad-spectrum, long-lasting protection against influenza A infections.The present study also revealed that administering DNA vaccine by topical application can elicit both humoral and cell-mediated immunity (CMI).
Progress In Veterinary Medicine