人们一般认为生长激素 ( GH)仅对动物生长发育起重要的促进作用 ,而最近的研究发现 GH也参与了雌性动物生殖的诸多过程 ,是重要的繁殖调节因子之一。GH可促进早期卵泡的发生 ,阻止卵泡的闭锁 ,加快卵母细胞细胞核和质的成熟 ,同时增强卵泡对促性腺激素的敏感性和减少卵泡细胞的凋亡利于排卵。此外 ,GH通过 IGF-1依赖和不依赖两种机制影响类固醇激素的合成。尽管生长激素对卵巢功能调节的研究取得了一些进展 。
Growth hormone was considered as an important stimulus factor just in animal growth and development before. Present studies show that GH is involved in many processes of female animal procreation and plays an important role in animal reproduction. GH stimulates the early folliculogenesis, prevents atresia in follicles and enhances oocytes quality by accelerating cytoplasmic and nuclear maturation. An important role in ovulation is facilitatory in which GH increases the sensitivity of follicles to gonadotrophin and reduces the incidence of apoptosis in preovulatory ovarian follicles. Furthermore, GH may stimulate steroid synthesis by IGF-1-dependent and-independent mechanisms. In spite of progress achieved, the effect of growth factors and metabolic hormones on female animals reproduction is to be further studied.
Progress In Veterinary Medicine