近年来 ,从学术界到司法实践部门 ,对“黑社会”与“黑社会性质组织”的问题都存在颇多争议。在中国 ,从最初使用“黑社会”到现在通用“黑社会性质组织”经历了一个漫长的过程。这其中有立法、司法部门的实践经验的积累 ,也有专家、学者在理论研究方面的贡献。但无论如何 ,“黑社会”与“黑社会性质组织”仅仅是概念而已 。
In recent years, there are many conflicts over what'Mafia' is and what'The Organization in the Nature of Mafia' is. In China, the change of concept from 'Mafia'to 'The Organization in the Nature of Mafia' has undergone a very long period of time, which reflects not only the accumulation of practical experiences in legislative and judicial departments but also the achievements in theoretical research by experts and scholars. Anyhow, 'Mafia' and 'The Organization in the Nature of Mafia'are mere concepts, the aim to recognize them is to administrate the society better.