网络是人类知识发展史上一个重要里程碑 ,其无限的复制性、全球的传播性和变幻莫测的交互性 ,给著作权体系以巨大震撼。网络著作权保护面临新的挑战 :1 怎样选择管辖 ;2 侵权人承担民事责任的方式 ;3 证据认定问题 ;4
Network is an important milestone in the histor y of the human culture development. The network which can copy, spread and exchang e information rapidly and widely is frightening the system of copyright. Therefo re, copyright protection in networks is faced with new challenges: how to choose jurisdiction; how to make infringer be responsible for civil punishment; how to identify evidence; how to decide the rational range for individual.
The Journal of Yunnan Police College