编辑工作是一门艺术。编辑与作者的互动是这门艺术的华彩乐章。面对书籍所具有的思想论述和市场商品这两种功能 ,编辑应该有所坚持 ,首先回归职业理想。编辑在工作中应尽力扮演“搜猎者”、“魔术师”、“双面人”的角色 ,同时 ,尊重作者的决定。学术编辑应该与作者形成一种特殊的同盟关系 ,并具有崇高的责任意识。
Editing is a kind of art. The interaction between the editor and the writer is the gorgeous movement. Facing the dissertation of thought and the market product, the editor should hold on to the professional ideal. In the work the editor should do his or her best to act as the roles of “hunter”, the “magician” or “two-faced man”, meanwhile the editor should respect the writer's decision. The academic editor should form a special allied relation with the writer and should have the sublime liability sense.
Modern Finance and Economics:Journal of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics