Objective To explore clinical feature, operation indication , operation time and mode of frontal - temple lobe centre - coup injury. Method We retrospectively study the clinical manifestation, image examination, operation indication, postoperative care and prognosis in 320 cases. 260 cases were treatmented by operation and other 60 cases by non - operative treatment. Clearance of hematoma by craniotomy with modified pterional approach was used. Among them , 194 cases were depression by removing bone flap and 66 cases' bone flap were reposition or floatation reposition. 106 cases were tracheotomy and 45 cases were sub - hypothermia treatment. Results 225 cases were good recovery, 32 cases middle disabled and 15 cases severe disabled, 3 cases made vegetative state and 45 cases died. Conclusion The clinical features were progressive consciousness after injury, unilateral of bilateral extensive frontal - temple lobe cerebral contusion accompany subdural hematoma and cere-bral edema for a long time. If brain stem was involved, disorder of consciousness was wevere and coma was longer. Those who diffuse brain swelling, cerelral Ventrcles compression and cisterna ambiens occlusion had a worse prognosis. Craniotomy by modified pterional approach was a ideal operation mode. Decompression by large bone flap accompany sub - hypothermia treatment can rise the rate of rescues obviously to severe frontal - temple lobe injury.
Henan Journal of Surgery