本文用4种不同的方法对18株嗜麦芽假单胞菌是否含有质粒进行了检测,实验结果表明其中5株含有质粒。对其中的P2株不同生长期质粒存在状况的研究表明,该菌所含质粒与宿主不同生长期具有明显的相关性,其最高含量出现在稳定生长期,当细菌进入衰亡期时,其质粒量也随之减少,直至完全消失。 通过双向琼脂糖凝胶电泳、限制酶切分析以及分子量测定等方法,确定了嗜麦芽假单胞菌P2只含有1种质粒,分子量约为4.4×10~6道尔顿。有BamHⅠ、PitⅠ、XbaⅠ、EcoRⅠ和HindⅢ单一酶切位点。该质粒可望进一步改建成十分有用的克隆载体。
Eighteen strains of P. maltophilia were screened for the occurrence of plasmid using four different methods. Five of them were harbor plasmids. The results of plasmid detection in different growth phase of P2 strain showed that the highest amount of plasmids in the strain was observed in stationary growth phase.The cheracteristics of plasmid of P. maltophilia P2 was investigated by methods of agarose gel electrophoresis, restriction endonucleases analysis, determination of molecular weight. The results indicated that P. maltophilia P2 contained only one type of plasmid, its molecular weight was 4.4X10' dolton and that the plasmid had single BamHl. Psil. Xbal EcoRl. HindⅢ sites. Thus, the plasmid of P. maltophilia P2 may be developed into a fine cloning vector.
Pseudomonas maltophilia, Plasmid, Growth phase