
犯罪记忆检测的涵义 被引量:6

The Implication of A Test in Criminal Remember
摘要 犯罪记忆检测包括犯罪心理生理反应的诱导、测量、分析、识别四个成分,是一个完整的体系。犯罪记忆检测是一类犯罪心理测试,不是犯罪心理测试的全部;犯罪记忆检测可以用于刑事测谎,却不仅仅局限于刑事测谎;犯罪心理生理测谎仅仅是刑事测谎手段的一种,不能完全代表刑事测谎。 The criminal remember test is vital to combat crime timely and correctly and social public order. As aspects of criminal psychometry, a test in criminal remember, includes four aspects of induction, measure, analysis and distinguish, is a complete system. A test in criminal remember also can be for the use of criminal lie detect. The both Criminal psychometry and physiometry only are one way of criminal lie detective means.
作者 付有志
出处 《中国人民公安大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2004年第1期75-81,共7页 Journal of People’s Public Security University of China:Social Sciences Edition
关键词 犯罪记忆检测 构成 称谓 a test in criminal remember, constitution, title
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