目的 对强的松、氢化考的松(氢考)、复方倍他米松3种糖皮质激素治疗带状疱诊神经痛进行成本效果分析。方法 193例患者按治疗药物分为3组,分别于治疗后1、3、7和14 d进行疗效观察,并计算3种治疗方案的成本,对各组的成本效果比(cost/effectiveness,C/E)及增量比(△C/△E)进行分析。结果 治疗后1、3 d,倍他米松组的疗效显著优于强的松组和氢考组(P>0.05)。3组的C/E值分别为:强的松组RMB145.64/增加一个健康日(healthy days of life gained,HDLG)、氢考组 RMB166.23/HDLG、倍他米松组RMB92.61/HDLG;与强的松组相比,氢考组和倍他米松组的△C/△E值分别为RMB238.20/HDLG、RMB13.81/HDLG。结论 复方倍他米松注射液治疗带状疱疹神经痛较强的松和氢化考的松起效迅速,成本效果比也较为合理。
Purpose: To analyse the effectiveness and the costs of prednisone tablets, hydrocortisone injection and compound betamethasone injection on herpetic neuralgia. Methods: Totally 193 patients were enrolled, 89 patients in prednisone group, 63 patients in hydrocortisone group and 41 patients in betamethasone group. Therapeutic evaluation visits were performed at day 1, 3, 7 and 14 after using study drugs. At the same time, the costs corresponding to therapy were calculated. Results: After 1, 3 days, responders to treatment were higher with betamethasone than with prednisone or hydrocortisone (P 0.05). The cost-effectiveness ratios(C/E) of prednisone, hydrocortisone and betamethasone were RBM145. 64/healthy days of life gained (HDLG), RBM166. 23/HDLG, RBM92. 61/HDLG respectively. Compared to prednisone, the incremental analysis (ΔC/ΔE) of hydrocortisone and betamethasone were RBM238. 20/HDLG, RBM13. 81/HDLG. Conclusions: Compound betamethasone injection could improve neuralgia in herpes zoster patients rapidly and its cost-effectiveness analysis demonstrated a rational economic value.
Fudan University Journal of Medical Sciences