自适应对象模型方法是一种开发动态的和可配置的自适应软件的有效途径 ,具有元模型、描述驱动和运行时反射等特点。介绍了当前自适应软件的研究现状 ,剖析了以自适应对象模型开发自适应软件的方法。首先阐述了自适应对象模型的核心思想 ,然后分析自适应对象模型体系结构中建立元模型的 5个模式 ,以及模型引擎和支撑工具 ,并讨论了自适应对象模型方法的适用时机、优缺点和实现中的问题。最后 ,与相关的技术进行了综合对比 ,讨论了未来的研究方向。
An adaptive object-model approach to develop dynamic and configurable adaptive software is discussed in this paper. It is an effective way to adapt to rapidly changing requirements and business rules. The real power of adaptive object-models lies in metamodel, description-driven, and runtime reflection. Following the introduction to the state of the art on adaptive software, the adaptive object-model architecture style is analyzed in depth. Then implementation issues along with AOM's strengths and weaknesses are addressed, also a comprehensive comparison is given. In the end, the future trend of adaptive object-models is discussed.
Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
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