由于跨国公司的FDI(外国直接投资 )对东道国经济发展具有重要意义 ,世界各国都在调整本国政策 ,纷纷制定相应的FDI政策吸引外国直接投资。东道国制定吸引FDI政策措施对弥补投资不足有其必要性 ,但是东道国FDI政策背后潜藏的隐患却往往为人所忽视。本文在对东道国政府FDI政策进行界定和分析的基础上 ,对东道国FDI政策对东道国经济发展的影响作了辩证的经济分析。同时 ,针对我国目前利用FDI现状 ,对我国今后利用FDI提出了政策建议 。
As it is great significance of transnational corporations' foreign dir ect investment(FDI) towards economic development in host country, most countries in the world are adjusting the policy towards the FDI and making corresponding policy to attract the FDI. Although it's necessary for host country's FDI policy to make up the insufficiency of investment, the problems hidden behind host cou ntry's FDI policy are always ignored. Based on the definitions and analysis of h ost country's FDI policy, the paper dialectically makes an economic analysis of the effects of host country's FDI policy on the economic development in host cou ntry. And at the same time, aiming at the FDI present situations in China, the p aper also proposes some policy suggestions about the use of the FDI in China in the future, so as to enhance the positive effects of the FDI on pushing forward economic development in China.
Journal of Chaohu University