对人工感染鸡白痢的艾维茵雏鸡采用“雏痢净”按高 ( 0 .5 g/只 )、中 ( 0 .4g/只 )、低 ( 0 .3g/只 )三个剂量混饲治疗 ,用 2 %甲磺酸培氟沙星 (药物对照 )组、感染不用药 (阳性对照 )组、不感染不用药 (阴性对照 )组作为对照。结果 :“雏痢净”高、中、低剂量组与 2 %甲磺酸培氟沙星组对雏鸡白痢均有较高的疗效 ,其中“雏痢净”高、中剂量组与 2 %甲磺酸培氟沙星组的治疗效果最好 ,但三者差异不显著 (P >0 .0 5 ) ;“雏痢净”各组与 2 %甲磺酸培氟沙星组的相对增重率极显著高于感染不用药组 (P <0 .0 1 )。研究表明 ,“雏痢净”高、中剂量组雏鸡用药后症状明显减轻且渐恢复 ,体重也明显增加 ,其疗效与 2 %甲磺酸培氟沙星相当。
In this paper, chickens were treated after challenged by Sdmonella with Chinese medicine Chulijing. The chickens were divided into six groups, i.e. ,groups with Chulijing in high dosage (0.5 g each one), in middle dosage(0.4 g each one) and in lowest dosage(0.3 g each one), group with 2% penofloxacin mesylate, infectious group with no drugs and the control group with no challenge and no drugs. The best results were showed in Chulijing groups with high dosage and middle dosage and in the group with 2% penofloxacin (mesylate, but no) significant differences (P>0.05). The all groups with Chulijing and 2% penofloxacin mesylate were significantly treatment higher (P<0.01) than the infectious group.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Drug