揭示毒品依赖者的心理健康状况及其与成瘾行为的关系。方法 采用症状自评量表和成瘾行为及其相关因素调查表对戒毒所收治的 14 3例毒品依赖者进行调查分析。结果 毒品依赖者的心理健康状况明显较正常人差 ,在SCL -90的因子分中 ,躯体化、抑郁、焦虑和精神病性高分的比例较大 ,而性别、有无职业和是否独居的得分无显著性差异。心理健康状况与成瘾行为相关分析发现 ,用毒量、用毒频率和SCL 90总均分及大部分因子分存在正相关关系 ,而吸毒欲的控制力与SCL 90总均分和大部分因子分呈负相关关系。结论 毒品依赖者的心理健康状况较差 。
Objective To study the mental hea lth of drug addicts and its correlation with addictive behavior. Method s 143 drug addicts in treatment were investigated and analyzed with The Symptom Checklist 90 and Addictive Behavior Questionnaire. Results The mental health of drug addicts was worse than that of normal peo ple, and somatization, depression, anxiety and psychopathy in the factor of SCL -90 had high proportion in high score field. Sex, having occupation or not, and living alone had no significant differences in SCL-90 score. The results of co rrelation analysis of mental health and addictive behavior were that the quantit y and frequency of drug use had positive correlation with mental health. The con trol power of drug use desire had negative correlation with mental health. Conclusion The mental health of drug addicts is worse, and addi ctive behavior is correlated with mental health.
Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University(Medical Sciences)