one of the mosl im.porlant areus in highvollage devices and IC designs is the edge.(junction ) termination. A novel numerical lechnique ,Boundary Elenient Method ( BEM) for analysis of Critical Eleclric Field (CEFBEM) in terminations is presented form a new poitl of view. Based onit.a 2-D Untfied BEM program for simulating the Multiple-Zone Junction Termination Extension (MZ-JTE ) ,UBPMJTE . is drveloped and the polential and field distributions in MZ-JTE a,are calculated. The peak elecl,ic field and the effecl o., the surface slales are investigaled. The. BEM resulis are.in agreement with ones obtained by the finite diffcrence, ,method (FDM) and the finite element method( FEM) . This work has opened a new way jor the sirnulalions of complex terminations ,is and design opli-
one of the mosl im.porlant areus in highvollage devices and IC designs is the edge.(junction ) termination. A novel numerical lechnique ,Boundary Elenient Method ( BEM) for analysis of Critical Eleclric Field (CEFBEM) in terminations is presented form a new poitl of view. Based onit.a 2-D Untfied BEM program for simulating the Multiple-Zone Junction Termination Extension (MZ-JTE ) ,UBPMJTE . is drveloped and the polential and field distributions in MZ-JTE a,are calculated. The peak elecl,ic field and the effecl o., the surface slales are investigaled. The. BEM resulis are.in agreement with ones obtained by the finite diffcrence, ,method (FDM) and the finite element method( FEM) . This work has opened a new way jor the sirnulalions of complex terminations ,is and design opli-