Measure based fuzzy logic, which is constructed on the basis of eight axioms, is a seemingly powerful fuzzy logic. It possesses several remarkable properties. (1) It is an extended Boolean logic, satisfying all the properties of Boolean algebra, including the law of excluded middle and the law of contradiction. (2) It is conditional. Conditional membership functions play an important role in this logic. (3) The negation operator is not independently defined with the conjunction and disjunction operators, but on the contrary, it is derived from them. (4) Zadehs fuzzy logic is included in it as a particular case. (5) It gives more hints to the relationship between fuzzy logic and probability logic.
Measure based fuzzy logic, which is constructed on the basis of eight axioms, is a seemingly powerful fuzzy logic. It possesses several remarkable properties. (1) It is an extended Boolean logic, satisfying all the properties of Boolean algebra, including the law of excluded middle and the law of contradiction. (2) It is conditional. Conditional membership functions play an important role in this logic. (3) The negation operator is not independently defined with the conjunction and disjunction operators, but on the contrary, it is derived from them. (4) Zadehs fuzzy logic is included in it as a particular case. (5) It gives more hints to the relationship between fuzzy logic and probability logic.
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